7 Ways to Avoid Misinformation


There are numerous methods availabale to detect misinformationl. As this article describes, with Election Day approaching, the amount of online disinformation targeting votes requires us to be aware of what is being aimed at us to influence our vote.

Politifact, one of the leading fact-checking sites, has fact-checked dozens of false claims on social media about the candidates. Other events — the coronavirus pandemic, nationwide protests against police brutality and natural disasters — have created an even more fertile environment for misinformation to spread.

“Avoiding this is tough — anyone who actively consumes the news in 2020, and particularly social media, will encounter some misinformation,” said Brendan Nyhan, a government professor at Dartmouth College.

By: Daniel Funke

October 7, 2020

7 Ways to Avoid Misinformation



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